Medical Technology & Medicine (English)

Medical Technology and Medicine are intended to improve the quality of health care delivered through prevention, earlier diagnosis, less invasive treatment options, and reductions in hospital stays and rehabilitation times. Recent advances in medical technology have also focused on cost reduction. The collection could fit well with the Science and Technology programs.

This collection contains: 5 books

Products inside this collection

    Health Informatics: Practical Guide, 8th Edition (English)

    Health informatics (also known as biomedical and health informatics or just plain informatics) is...

      Health Informatics: Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology Professionals (Fifth Edition) (English)

      Health Informatics (HI) focuses on the application of information technology (IT) to the field of...

        Her-2: The Making of Herceptin, a Revolutionary Treatment for Breast Cancer (English)

        Two years after she underwent a mastectomy and chemotherapy, Barbara Bradfield's aggressive breast...

          New Drugs: An Insider's Guide to the FDA's New Drug Approval Process for Scientists, Investors and Patients (English)

          Drug development, the processes by which a chemical compound becomes a "drug" and is approved for...

            The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology Is Rewriting Our Understanding of Genetics, Disease, and Inheritance (English)

            Epigenetics can potentially revolutionize our understanding of the structure and behavior of...